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Culture & Climate

Dawes Elementary is a Restorative School that honors the philosophy of Restorative Practices. Our school culture or way of being facilitates community building and managing conflicts by repairing harm and building relationships. We ensure to take both proactive and responsive approaches.  We implement restorative practices through sharing circles, responsive classroom, restorative conversations with students, colleagues, and parents-caregivers, and responsive discipline.

Our R.I.S.E Values





Eagle Affirmation

I am a Rising Eagle.

I have courage and confidence.

There is no one better to be than myself.

If it is to be, it is up to me!

I am a Rising Eagle.

All of my problems have solutions.

No matter how hard it is, I can do it.

Rise, Eagles, rise!

Afirmación del Águila

Soy un águila naciente.

Tengo coraje y confianza.

No hay nadie mejor para ser que yo.

Si es así, ¡depende de mí!

Soy un águila naciente.

Todos mis problemas tienen soluciones.

No importa lo difícil que sea, puedo hacerlo.

¡Levántense, águilas, levántense!